Pokemon X and Y: 10 Years Later with Danny from Retro Wars, Saitama's Video Game Bookstore

Pokemon X and Y: 10 Years Later with Danny from Retro Wars, Saitama's Video Game Bookstore

Danny from Retro Wars joins me to celebrate the ten year anniversary of Pokemon X and Y! We return to Kalos to explore the game’s innovation, it’s legacy, and the coolest Mega Pokemon. I also venture out to Saitama to check out Suzume Publishing Antique Books, a shop dedicated to video game books! Plus I run down all the fun Nintendo collaborations happening right now in Japan!

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Podcast: https://retrowars.podbean.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Retrowarsuk

(0:00) - Intro


(1:15) - Pokemon X and Y: 10 Years Later w/ Danny from Retro Wars


(40:25) - Suzume Publishing Antique Books


(48:14) - 3DS and Wii U online closing

(49:47) - Wind up Pikmin toys coming to Nintendo Tokyo

(50:36) - Get the Item Mario campaign and Nintendo Tokyo pop up shops

(51:04) - Kirby X Family Mart campaign

(51:59) - Pronto X Pokemon campaign

(52:52) - Closing

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